

Photography By

Wedding Photography (Majlis Resepsi)
5 jam (Event coverage)
Unlimited shots
Custom album 10x12
8R with Frame
11R with Frame
Softcopies of all photos
F.O.C: Thumbdrive , 3x 8R, 16R with frame
*Pengangkutan ke Kawasan pergambaran ditanggung oleh pasangan
Price: RM999

Fotografi Nikah/ Tunang
Custom album 10x12
8R with Frame
2 jam (coverage of shooting)
CD copy of all photos
20 edited photos
F.O.C: 11R with Frame
Price: RM499

Special Offer: Pakej fotografi Outdoor
Custom album 10x12
8R with Frame
11R with Frame
1-2 jam (coverage of shooting)
CD copy of all photos
20 edited photos
F.O.C: Gown Pengantin + Make Up
*Pengangkutan ke Kawasan pergambaran ditanggung oleh pasangan
Price: RM599

Fotografi Majlis (Softcopy Sahaja)
Unlimited Shots
CD copy of all photos
20 edited photos
Price: RM100/hours

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